On this episode, we are joined by the KING OF POT, Bruce Perlowin, CEO of Hemp Inc.  The company is the largest trading company by dollar value in the entire sector.
As of February 2017, they had grown over 200% and emerged as the top grossing stock company in terms of sales each day.  So, what’s happening now and how did Bruce navigate his incredible story.   Check it out with the links below, in his words.

Bruce was dubbed the “King of Pot” in the 80’s when he ran the largest Marijuana smuggling operation on the west coast.

In this episode:
• Business evolution
• Hemp Inc’s innovative products◦ Bioplastics
◦ Kenaf – DrillWall & SpillSuck
◦ Hemp Cigarettes
• Becoming the “King of Pot”
◦ Smuggling
◦ Prison
• The Cannabis Industry
• Taxes and the ‘Black Market’
• Eco Village
• Business – go public or stay private?

Find the episode right here: https://thepot.com/pot-casts/  The Pot.Live Podcast – Episode 33

or here on Apple Devices: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-pot-live-podcast/id1476454529?i=1000463481849